Mountain trip February 2021

Public · 51 · 131.09MB · 2/10/21, 4:17 PM

I was thinking about writing a few paragraphs about my trip to the mountains and have it displayed as an article.

So it would be like "gallery + mini story" for the trip.

I was thinking about creating an option on the albums to be able to choose between a regular Gallery/Album layout, or an Article layout, that would look narrower and easier for reading.

But, had to take care of some technical issue first.

(Uhm, I'm still writing a bit anyway).

The technical issue I've got into is that it is a pain in the ass to deal with pictures when coding.

There's this thing called EXIF meta data / invisible information that your device writes on the picture when it saves it.

Anyways, there was a mess with the orientation of the picture and all pictures I've uploaded were displayed with wrong orientation and you'd had to break your neck to see them.

But I ended up figuring out a fix and now they're fine!

Update 1

I actually did the "Display as Post" thing.

I'm playing around with the AllMyPicz (hobby side project) platform and this thing that I'm testing now is.. yeah, what I've said earlier, the concept of "Post + Gallery".

Instead of posting hundreds of pictures on your Facebook feed or even worse, posting so many stories on Instagram that your followers start to hate you..

Well, instead of all that, you come here, create an album with the picz you took on the trip and you write a post about it. What do you think?

Update 2

Damn I hate it when I forget what was on my mind.

I felt so inspired during the hike today, thinking about a lot of stuff.

Now all it took was getting home and dealing with some coding and I've kind of lost part of that inspiration.

Oh, there it comes, I'm starting to remember some of it:

Changing your environment changes your thoughts

Walking is good for the mind they say.

But I'd like to add that changing the environment too is even better.

Every now and then I get stressed at home, with work and whatever personal issues like everybody.

And since I'm working from home and not going out too much, (hello pandemic too) well, I end up going crazy sometimes.

There's a lot of shit around in my village that makes me want to leave, I get bored of seeing the stray dogs, the garbage, some people, and specially the dogs at times end up being annoying when you want to chill or concentrate on work and all you hear is "woof woof.. and woof".

I like dogs don't get me wrong, but I guess at times I need a break.

Anyways, the (probably obvious) point that I was trying to make was that sometimes we don't realize how stuck our mind gets when being closed in the same place for a long time, with the same things around you, same people, and so on.

Leaving for a while and going to some other place, preferably a bit far, removes all that pressure from your mind and brings in other kind of thoughts.. I would even say, nice ones.

Being a freelance has its own job perks. I borrowed some money and the car from dad and went away on a Tuesday, and actually ended up doing the exact same trip as I did in February last year. Same hotel, same room, same hike (only it was the other way around).

And yeah, enjoy the picz below! ;-)

PD: Aren't the little things cute?